apple cider vinegar

CCB Wellness Shots

CCB Wellness Shots

Let's face it, being healthy is expensive business. I don't see it getting better anytime soon, so until then.... DIY. I mean, I didn't invest in this Vitamix for nothing. 

These CCB Wellness Shots are EVERYTHING you need to kick and prevent those bugs out there. If you do NOTHING else to be healthy, do this. Thank me later.

The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

My obsession started a few years ago when I had a major reliance on acid reducers (aka, proton pump inhibitors... aka Nexium, etc). I was on a ski trip in Aspen a week before my foot surgery and I was taking Advil every single day to combat the altitude sickness. Little did I know, I was creating a major peptic ulcer that I would have for many years.