a complete breakfast

I love mornings that I get to start slow and snack on healthy treats. My ideal morning booster “break-the-fast” is an egg scramble with tons of green veggies. But most mornings I don’t have the time to chop veggies and stir up eggs. Replacing the fat and protein in an egg with a fast breakfast can be a little tricky. Most people would tell you to have a yogurt or some type of cheese. I don’t believe starting your day with dairy is the best route – or atleast – it has not been for me.

My go to? Avocados. Avocados are THE perfect food. I would still eat them if they were $10 a pop.

Avocado stuff (according to me and my many research on this incredible fruit over the years;

  • The Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious
  • Contain More Potassium Than Bananas!!
  • Loaded With Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
  • Loaded With Fiber
  • Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
  • People Who Eat Avocados Tend to be Healthier

Need I say more? More on Avocados HERE (if you must).


Ok, so lets talk berries. Antioxidants and brain power. Just go ahead and eat blueberries everyday because (according to Scientific American and others) they can enhance your memory.  I’ve always believed in the power of food, but this just blows my mind.

Life has been a little crazier and seems to only be speeding up this year. I keep my system clean by drinking Tiny Teas (not a promotion, I just LOVE the stuff). Eating healthy is my life — but even I get a little bogged down and bloated because of travel and lack of routine. This tea seriously helps me stay on top of my game, keeps my skin clear and tummy flat. My favorites are the Anti-C and the Gluten-free Tiny TeaTox.

So now that you’re armed with the knowledge to eat a quick healthy breakfast.. Stock up on this stuff so you have it ready when you wake up late! I’ve been known to eat my avocado straight out of the shell with a spoon. No excuses!


What is your favorite breakfast?