Add These Vitamins To Your Skincare Routine | FYI


Your skin is the body’s largest organ, so it is critical to protect and take care of your skin. Not only is skin a major component of the body, your appearance is influenced by how well you take care of your skin. Dark spots, discolored skin, and premature aging can be avoided by limiting exposure to the sun, religiously applying sunscreen, and having an effective routine that includes beneficial vitamins in your diet and skincare regimen that combats free radical and the signs of aging. Incorporating the right vitamins into your routine will combat dark spots, redness, wrinkles, and dryness. In this article, I am going to explain four of the best vitamins to include in your diet and skincare routine to keep your skin youthful and healthy. These essential skin vitamins are available in supplements, and also are found in skincare products.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a key ingredient in many skin care products because of its antioxidants and role in collagen production that heals damaged skin, fights wrinkles and cancerous skin cells, keeping skin healthy. Vitamin C has high levels in the epidermis, the outer layer of skin as well as the dermis, the inner layer of skin. Taking a Vitamin C supplement enhances sunscreens effectiveness, protecting skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Vitamin C is commonly found in skincare products due to it’s repairing of cells and retaining moisture in skin. A recommendation of 1,000 mg per day will be beneficial to the body and skin, and is abundant in foods such as citrus, spinach, broccoli, strawberries.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often made when our skin is exposed to sunlight and absorbed into the skin. Vitamin D is critical to keep skin cells healthy, plays an important role in skin tone, and can treat skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis. Just 10 minutes of sun exposure is enough to benefit your body and skin, but Vitamin D can be beneficial by taking a Vitamin D supplement of 600 IU per day, eating foods fortified in Vitamin D such as orange juice, and natural sources of Vitamin D found in cod, tuna, and salmon.  

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that when applied to skin, protects skin from free radical damage by absorbing harmful UV rays emitted from the sun. Photoprotection refers to the body’s ability to minimize the damage caused by UV rays. This can help prevent inflammation, dark spots and wrinkles. The body naturally produces vitamin E through an oily substance released from the skin’s pores called sebum, which is responsible for keeping skin hyrdated and preventing dry skin. It’s recommended that adults get 15 mg of Vitamin E per day, either through supplements or natural sources of Vitamin E including nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts), and sunflower seeds. Look for topical skin care products containing both Vitamin E and Vitamin C, which are most effective when combined together, fighting damage to skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is universally known to help the body heal from wounds and bruises. Vitamin K has shown to help improve skin conditions such as stretch marks, spider veins, scars, dark spots, and under eye darkness. Doctors prescribe topical creams to patients who’ve undergone surgeries to expedite the healing process by reducing inflammation, swelling, and bruising. It is recommended that adults ingest 90-120 UG per day. Foods nutrient in Vitamin K include kale, spinach, cabbage, brussel sprouts, green beans, prunes, and fermented dairy products.




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